The Seer S1635 is the police version of the popular HJC RPHA 90S modular flip face helmet. This helmet delivers premium performance and remarkably lightweight properties. It is designed with plush, luxurious interiors with self-cooling properties and anitbacterial treatments. The HJC RPHA 90S modular helmet includes premium features and technology at a price that is significantly lower than other "premium" helmets, making it the perfect helmet for police motorcycle officers.
Custom paint, metal helmet badges, and vinyl decal application available. Call us for more information.
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The Seer S1635 modular helmet includes molded speaker pockets for Smart HJC Bluetooth device and/or Setcom Communication headsets. Seamlessly integrate Setcom's Liberator Wireless communication system with your hand-held radios.
To get started request a price quote, or request a field test.